Skin Ailments

Skin Problems- Gateway to Health

The skin is the largest organ in the body. Unhealthy skin is a sign of an underlying medical issue: improper diet, liver malfunction, too much bathing with detergent shampoos, allergies, and immune deficiencies. Dogs that start chewing on their front paws is usually a sign that the skin is beginning to dry out. Detergent shampoos and poor drying techniques may cause this to occur. We recommend a non-detergent shampoo such as our Dermaplex. You can bathe as often as you like, and this will not dry out the skin. It is important to dry the paws well. When rinsing all allergens and soap will collect under the paws. A towel should be used to dry in between each toe to make sure no moisture or irritants remain.

Yeast: How can you determine whether your pet suffers from yeast? Sniff inside their ears. If it smells like corn chips, that’s yeast. If your pet is itching, has red inflamed skin and are biting themselves, that could be yeast too!

Yeast comes out of the ears, eyes, anus, or skin. It will get worse before it gets better. Yeast causes allergies, can cause thyroid conditions to worsen and takes a long time to get rid of. If your pet has yeast for 1 year it will take approximately 6 months to cure.

An improper Diet is probably the most important reason your pet is suffering with yeast. You want to feed Grain-free, Yeast Free, Potato Free (no sweet potatoes too). Grains feed the yeast. You will see a difference with the correct food. We recommend a higher quality food.

Dry skin and cloudy eyes are usually a sign of liver malfunction. Use milk thistle and/or Life Cell Support. These products support normal liver functions, assists in drawing unwanted chemicals, toxins, pollutants, and heavy metals from the liver. It also supports the normal flow of lymph.

Allergies can cause red itchy skin and is uncomfortable. Have your pet sleep and lay during the day on a cool sheet, ceramic or kitchen floor. The body is usually hot during a yeast infection and a cool sheet will help. Your pet should not lie on carpeting or fabric sofas because yeast loves to reproduce on warm areas of the body. Always keep your pet cool. Wash the sheet weekly as yeast is contagious. We recommend Allerg Free. This will take the place of an anti-histamine and will give your pet relief.

We recommend our Yeast and Fungal Dtox. It helps the body to eliminate fungal infestations, such as Valley Fever, Candida overgrowth, ear, vaginal or penile yeast infections, mange and ringworm.

For healthier skin brush your dog 2-3 times a day. Especially for shedding breeds. This brings nutrients up to the skin to heal it and help with itching.


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